Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fine Lines

A couple of interesting situations have been brought to my attention recently. They both have to do with saying something about a fact which is true, but might hurt someone’s feelings. In one case, it’s something that I would put in the category of better to be kind than right. We have some new bridge players at our club and one or two of the “oldsters” have told them they need more experience before they play at the duplicate level. Hogwash, I say! But the second situation concerns one of our political candidates who is making some unfortunate clothing choices. This could be easily fixed, but how to approach it? I’ve spoken with someone who is a friend of his and she is taking it under consideration. Every day we have decisions to make which can affect others. I’m trying to ask myself the question, Will this improve the situation or complicate it? It’s a fine line sometimes!   

“Honesty does not apply only to what you say. The term actually means consistency. There is nothing you say that contradicts what you think or do; no thought opposes any other thought; no act belies your word; and no word lacks agreement with another. Such are the truly honest.” A Course in Miracles Manual for Teachers

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